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The function of the Sense™ garment is based on improving proprioseptics of the body, body awareness and deep pressure input. The pressure is mild and consistent. The constant pressure can help to manage the pressure inputs and overcome the feeling of irritation and discomfort/anxiety.

There are several indications to use Sense™ garments. These might include CP, ASD, Erb’s palsy, developmental delay, scoliosis, stroke, Down Syndrome, Parkinson’s, neurological and metabolic conditions and different kinds of chronic pain disorders. The results that have been obtained using Sense™ garments:


    • prevention and management of hypertrophic scars

    • accelerates maturation of the scar

    • dermis gets thinner and the layers of collagen realign according to epidermis

    • the scar declines and gets more flexible

    • the color of scar becomes lighter

    • reduces itching, edema and stiffness of the treated area.

The pressure garments are made for every body part needing treatment. Zippers, velcros, hooks and loops can be added to help with the dressing. Special adaptations can be created e.g. opening for Peg tube, pockets for splints, extra panels for extra support and opening for nappy changing. The high class materials ensure comfortable wear for the whole day.

In addition to the custom made garments there is standard sized gloves, bodies and shorts available.


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